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In an effort to keep our library safe and welcoming, we ask all library visitors to read and follow rules and guidelines.


The Mid-Mississippi Regional Library System is dedicated to providing outstanding customer service shaped by the needs of our communities.


The Mid-Mississippi Regional Library System believes that information should be free and easily accessible to all who seek it and that libraries are crucial to providing this access. MMRLS is committed to providing our community with the capability to explore, create, and learn in a safe and inviting environment, guided by a knowledgeable, professional, and courteous staff.

Animals in the Library Policy
Children in the Library Policy
Circulation Policy
Collection Development Policy
Computer Use Policy
Computer Use Policy (Spanish)
Customer Conduct Policy
Display Space Policy
Fines and Fees
Meeting Room Policy and Application Form
MMRLS Strategic Plan FY25-FY30
Photo Permission Policy
Responsible Person Policy
Social Media Policy
Welcome Letter
Welcome Letter (Spanish)